Policies & Procedures

Document handling and delivery

Our preference is that documents are sent to us electronically by email and, in accordance with the Security of Payment Act, is classed as an appropriate means of service, however, any document can also be sent to us by hand delivery or post.


It is suggested that any documents sent by email is kept to less than 10Mb in size. If there is more than one email it would be appreciated that the emails are numbered in the title (e.g. NSW Application Smith Group Email 1 of 5).

Very Large Files:

Very large documents can be sent by using our Cloud Receipt Process such as Dropbox or Microsoft 365 - Sharepoint Online. This method is a locked box type procedure that deliver files to our company's owned storage facility in the cloud.

To gain access to either Dropbox or Sharepoint Online you will be required to have an existing account or willing to open a new account. Please contact us by email advising us of the facility you wish to use the names of both parties relating to your matter and any email address you would like the file to be shared with if more than one.

Requests must be made between 9am and 3pm for same day service to allow us to create the link share and receive confirmation that you have access before uploading prior to close of business on that day.

Service of Applications On the Respondent:

Whilst ASC accept applications via this method other parties may not, therefore, to ensure acceptable service of the application on the Respondent in accordance with the Act, it is highly recommended that service of the application on the Respondent is served by way of email, mail or hand delivery.

Hand Delivery or Post:

Physical delivery for all states are to be delivered between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday and addressed to Australian Solutions Centre, Regus Rockdale, Level 2, 8-12 King Street, Rockdale NSW 2216. 

Privacy Policy

Australian Solutions Centre strives to meet the principles set out in schedule 1 of the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) by outlining below how we collect, use and disclose personal information of those who come in contact with our office.

We collect personal information about a person and/or company to provide our services to the respective governments to which we are engaged with and to market ourselves as a security of payment educatore and training entity to the building and construction industry. We may collect individual, company names and/or business names, postal and website address, phone and facsimile numbers and emails.

The information may be used to undertake the management of adjudication under the respective legislation including processing communications between the parties and the adjudicator, management of payment, adjudiction certificate generation and prescribed government reports. Information may also be used to contact persons and companies who may be interested in security of payment news, updates, briefings, workshops and general educational training.

Information may be disclosed to a court of law or government authority if required however the information will not be disclosed to any other third party without permission.

For adjudication matters, all hard copies of documents submitted in support of an application by a party is destroyed after the expiry of thirty days (30) following the date of determination.

We will take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we collect, use or disclose is accurate, complete, up to-date and stored in a secure environment protected from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. Upon request, we will take reasonable steps to let a person know, generally, what sort of personal information we hold, for what purposes and how we collect, use and disclose that information. 

Complaint and Internal Disputes Resolution Policies

Complaints Policy:

ASC recognises that there may be complaints by parties, and others having a legitimate interest in the services offered by ASC and its adjudicators. This procedure outlines the process to be used to addresss complaints.

Complaints Panel

ASC has established a 'Complaints Panel' to investigate all written complaints against ASC and/or its Adjudicators. The Complaints Panel consists of the ASC Manager, two senior adjudicator panel members and where necessary a practicing lawyer appointed by ASC. The panel will address every complaint on its merits, but in general the process includes:

* Providing a copy of the complaint to the person(s) involved and requesting a written response within 10 business days;
* Assess the complaint and response and determine if more information is require;
* The panel adjudicates on the complaint and decides if any disciplinary action is necessary;
* Provide a copy of the complaint to the relevant State authority.

Upon reviewing the complaint the panel will consider:

* The requirements of the Act, Regulation, Ministerial Guldelines and Conditions of Authorisation;

* Any breach of process;
* The fairness, impartiality, cost effectiveness and transparency issues associated with any proposed process/service changes that may result from the complaint.
* Whether there has been any unreasonable delay in raising the complaint;
* Any other circumstances including a breach of the ASC Code of Conduct.

The panel advises the parties and the relevant State Authority of the decision reached. The types of action that may be required could be counselling, further training, diciplinary action and/or de-registration.

Internal Disputes Policy:

In the case of an internal dispute and to ensure that staff members and/or adjudicators are provided with a fair, timely and confidiential dispute resolution process the following procedure outlines the process to be used and considers the views of all parties.

ASC will:

* Work towards solving the problem and maintaining healthy working relationships.

* Comply with the correct procedure quickly and fairly.

* Use best efforts to resolve the dispute within the workplace.

* Where this is not possible, refer the dispute to an independent mediator or arbitrator with the power to deal with the dispute.

* Advise the parties and the relevant State authority of the decision reached.


This website outlines rights and obligations in an easily understood format. It does not go into detail and does not cover all situations. Consequently, there are aspects of the various forms of legislation, which have not been covered.

For a full appreciation of rights and obligations, it is advisable to consult the relevant legislation and/or obtain legal or other specialist advice.

Australian Solutions Centre Bears no responsibility for material contained in any website that is linked to this website. Australian Solutions Centre disclaims any liability (including for negligence) to any person in respect of anything and the consquences of anything done or not done by any such person in whole or partial reliance upon anything in or ommitted from this website. 




T: 1300 722 624     F: 1300 722 924     E: info@solutionscentre.com.au