Adjudication QLD is now managed by the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) Registrar.
We were one of the first authorised nominating authority (ANA) in 2004 and maintained that role until the change in the legislation in 2014. Although we are no longer involved in QLD as an ANA we are more than willing to assist QLD building and construction companies to navigate through the legislation. If you require any assistance please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your situation.
Security of Payment Legislation Assistance and Information
The Security of Payment legislation is designed for self help towards adjudication but there are many people willing to help you with your progress payment for a price.
So we have uploaded free material which will help you work through the maze of securing payment under the various legislations and if you do need help then the cost of investigative work can be significantly reduced. Most of the information is in the public domain but could be of some assistance to you.
Please read our disclaimer when using any of these resources.
QLD Building and Construction Commission (QBCC)
QLD Building and Construction Industry Payments Act 2004
Building and Construction Industry Payments Regulation 2004
QLD Security of Payment government website
QLD Building Services Licensee Check
QBCC Adjudication Decision Search
QLD Justice of the Peace or Commissioner for Declarations
T: 1300 722 624 F: 1300 722 924 E: info@solutionscentre.com.au Privacy Policy Disclaimer |