ASC recognises that there may be complaints by parties, and others having a legitimate interest in the services offered by ASC and its adjudicators. This procedure outlines the process to be used to address complaints. |
ASC has established a ‘Complaints Panel’ to investigate all written complaints against ASC and/or its adjudicators. The Complaints Panel consists of the ASC Director, two senior adjudicator panel members and where necessary a practicing lawyer appointed by ASC. The panel will address every complaint on its merits, but in general the process includes:
- Providing a copy of the compliant to the person(s) involved and requesting a written response within 10 business days;
- Assess the complaint and response and determine if more information is required;
- The panel adjudicates on the complaint and decides if any disciplinary action is necessary;
- Provide a copy of the complaint to the relevant State authority.
The reviewing the complaint the panel will consider:
- The requirements of the Act, Regulations, Ministerial Guidelines and Conditions of Authorisation;
- Any breach of process;
- The fairness, impartiality, cost effectiveness and transparency issues associated with any proposed process/service changes that may result from the complaint.
- Whether there has benn any unreasonable delay in raising the complaint;
- Any other circumstances including a breach of the ASC Code of Conduct.
The panel advises the parties and the relevant State authority of the decision reached. The types of action that may be required could be counselling, further training, disciplinary action and/or de-registration.
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